Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Year's Resolutions!

Do you make them?  ...but then only to break them?  :)  I have never been one to make many resolutions only because I know if I am only making a resolution to do something just because it is a new year, it is going to get broken and go by the way side!  So why bother?  I just know myself all too well!

But this year, I am starting the new year with something I want to do through the whole year on a consistent, regular basis!  And I have a resolve to really want to make this a priority!

My dear little friend, Patty, over at Sewing Seeds mentioned in her blog yesterday that she is joining a group with Beth Moore to commit to memory two verses a month for one year.  If you have never met Patty, you must go pay her a visit as she has a beautiful blog and she is one of the very very first ladies to introduce herself to me and become my "friend" when I first started blogging.  She is one of the sweetest ladies I have ever met!! 

Getting back to my New Year's Resolution ....Patty intrigued me with a desire to join this little group of women to committing verses to memory on a regular basis!  I then googled Beth Moore's little group and I found her blog:  Beth Moore  If you would like to join Patty and me in this great idea for a New Year's Resolution, go to Beth Moore's blog to sign up!

How To Participate:

On the 1st and 15th of every month of 2011, you will find a post on Beth's blog where she will ask for your memory verse and give you hers. This will begin New Years Day. You are committing to 24 Scriptures in 12 months. Beth says NOT ONCE has she ever known anyone to get to the end of a Scripture memory commitment and say that it didn't make any real difference.

You are to enter the verse you've chosen to memorize for that two week period within 24 hours of the post going up. Write your verse in a spiral index card book to keep them all together through the year.

Now don't think just because we are already on January 9th, that it is too late!!  You just pick an easy verse for the remainder of now to January 15th!  You can do it!!  Trust me, if I can do it you can!

I would like to tell you one reason why I believe it is so important to memorize scripture.  It saved my life!!  Seriously!

I went through my divorce 13 yrs ago (well, almost 13 yrs) and realized I needed His words and truth embedded in mind to get me through the most wretched time of suffering! I spent many nights not being able to sleep, trembling in fear and it was only His Word and quoting over and over again His precious truth that got me through those long dark, sleepless nights!!  To know more about that wretched time of my life, check out the labels "New Gal on the Block."

Scripture memorization truly has new meaning to me now because when you go through a really deep valley and every single second of the day (as you are working or driving, or in the middle of a dark night), you can draw strength in His Word without opening your Bible....His Word is locked in your mind at any given second!  Which is crucial when you are teetering on hope versus hopelessness!

...And now I am happy to say, I LOVE memorizing His Word and it comes much easier knowing if I ever go through a horrible trial again where I need His Word again non-stop, I have a bigger reserve to draw from!! :D

I personally don't think it is critical to memorize the reference...I try...but yet it is not critical to me.  Because when you are in despair and not needing to search it in the Bible, you pull up the words to your mind that is hidden in your heart and are able to meditate and draw strength on His Word right then and there regardless of where you are.

My first verse for the year that I have chosen is:

“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal”
II Corinthians 4:18 NIV

It would be wonderful if you join me in one of the most rewarding New Year's Resolutions possible!

Please also visit the other folks at Spiritual Sundays for a wonderful blessing:

Happy New Year to YOU!

Psalm 28:7


Whidbey Woman said...

Memorizing scripture is a wonderful idea! I like the look of your blog, and your playlist is fun. Enjoyed listening to Bing Crosby. I think I was born in the wrong generation :)

Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

What a wonderful idea. Thank-you for sharing this with all of us.

Joan Davis (Jo) said...


Great resolution...and I'm in! My desire is to grow even closer to Him and I know that memorizing His word is a huge part of that. I'm going to check out your friend Patty's blog...and then hop over to Beth Moore's site. Thanks for the encouragement in what I know will be a true joy.

Living for Him, Joan

Bring Pretty Back said...

What a wonderful post! OH! How can we possible get through the hard times with out him!Happy new year!
Have a pretty day!

Sharon said...

Happy New Year to you and yours, Carolyn.

I agree with you - the Word of God is the ONLY thing that will sustain us through the many attacks of the enemy - in whatever form they come. Life sends us many "curve balls" - and our only source of peace is found in the mighty promises of a faithful God.


Charlotte said...

Thank you for sharing your heart with us, Carolyn. And - the music on your blog really brings back memories. I remember hearing this song and I think we learned it in school - way back in the 1940s. Boy, I'm old. LOL