Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Looking for a Job?

Good Morning to you!

I have some pointers for you if you have some interviews coming up in your future! I am looking for a job! Yes, I am! I have been in real estate for a while but with the economy being as it is....real estate is not the place to be! And you know what, I am really fine with that! It has taken me two years now to accept leaving the real estate industry from when the economic meltdown happened back in September of 2008.

To honest with you, I am excited for what is around the corner! I have been on and I have to say there are quite a few jobs listed and new ones every day! I had an interview yesterday! It went really well! It was a phone interview which I have never experienced that before ....a little nerve wrecking! I am more comfortable meeting someone face to face so I can read their face and also they can see mine. But surprisingly, it went really well! :)

Before the interview, I wanted to prepare myself....I would like to share with you some things that I have found and learned for that preparation. We are competing for jobs like we have never before in this economy. Before when I wanted a job, I always got it! Well, that is not necessarily true anymore. It will be a little more difficult today with all of the competition. Hopefully, these hints that I pass on to you, will be beneficial for you, as well!

How to Prepare
• Know yourself – your goals, your skills and your plans.
• Know your resumé and be prepared to discuss your past experiences in detail. Spend some time before the interview recalling your past accomplishments and contributions.
• Take some time to recall relevant work experiences so you’re prepared to talk about them.
• Come prepared with a list of any questions you have about the position and our company.
• Dress professionally if it is a face to face interview.
• Practice, practice, practice! Review the information on your resumé and recall as many professional experiences as you can – projects you’ve led or been a part of, contributions you’ve made, successes and achievements of which you’re especially proud. Be prepared to discuss specific work situations, including actions you took and the end results of those actions. Think of the interview as your chance to tell them stories about your work experiences.
• Arrive on time for your interview. Make sure that if you don’t know the way you call ahead and get directions ahead of time.

You need to expect questions of examples or scenarios of cases where you handled a specific situation from your past employments. I did some research on these questions to help prepare myself and have some scenarios on the top of my head ready to answer. I did not want to fish from my memory and then take up time not only to talk excessively but talking in circles. This is what I found:

Not only does this site have lots of examples of the questions you should expect but it also has a lot of great information to help you succeed. The main thing is to really know your resume, as well as, really brain storm for examples of past experience and success as they will ask for examples.

I hope this has been helpful! :) As I was doing my research and preparation yesterday, I thought of sharing this with others. Unemployment is prevalent today and I thought surely someone else could use this information or know someone else who could and to pass it on.

I am sure with each interview, I will improve....and eventually get an awesome job! :D God is good and I know He will provide!

Hugs, Carolyn
Psalm 28:7


Anonymous said...

Although I'm not job hunting I did pass along this post to one of my blogging buddies that is currently job hunting. You have some great points and I hope you find the perfect job soon.

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

Hi Carolyn.... (one of my very favorite names, by the way)...

Wishing you tons of blessings for your job search. I agree, pretty nerve wracking stuff.... isn't it?

I'm sure you'll find just the right fit.

Warm hugs,

Blondie's Journal said...

Great, great tips, Carolyn. I wish you the best in your job hunt and I know you will interview well!!


Cottage Sunshine said...

Thank you, ladies! :)

Sweet Bee Cottage said...

Good luck to you! These tips are great. My husband has been looking for quite a while - this economy has had so many fall outs. I'll be sure to share this with him.

Lemon Lane Studio said...

Hi sweet Carolyn,

So glad you are back! Good luck on your job hunt, no doubt God has something perfect in store for you. I will take some time to catch up on your new posts...YAH! Talk to you soon, Patty

Suzy said...

This is a very informative post!

Yes it is hard out there, but the Lord take care of his own! I had been in retail mgt. for many years and lost my job two years ago. I found a job (that I love) in a completely different field in just two weeks and that's not easy to do at 62. God has something for you!!

Cottage Sunshine said...

Thank you for all of your encouragement! :D Suzy, that is awesome that you found a job that of my concerns is my age being thank you for that encouragement as well!! God is good....seee, He brought you to my post today to encourage me!! :)

Blessings my friends!

Rebecca Nelson said...

Great info my friend. Thank you so much for taking the time to share with us~

Love to you~


Carolyn said...

Thank you, Rebecca! Thank you again for all your great information a couple of months ago....helped me make some decisions! You are wonderful and I am so happy we met!!! :) Love you!

Hugs, Carolyn ~ Cottage Sunshine

nannykim said...

Good helpful info....just glad I am not looking for a job right now!

Bonnie@Creative Decorating said...

I am the person Marla forwarded your post to, which I thank her! It has been a hard learning curve for me as I haven't had to even look for a job in over 20 years! When I applied for jobs, like you, I got it. Just like promotions. I didn't apply, upper management always rewarded me for doing a good job and asking me if I would want a promotion. Now I am finding that after 100 resumes being sent out, I am lucky if I even get a couple rejection letters. Usually I hear nothing more. I don't have an accounting degree but do have 25 years of accounting experience from a clerk to a corporate accounting manager. It is just crazy that I am dismissed because of no degree. Sorry...I think I am rambling!! Anyway, I am working on revamping the resume, again, and I am using your tips for when I finally do get an interview!!! I know God is in control so that keeps me sane!!! I wish you the best of luck, too!

Carolyn said...

Hi Bonnie!

I will be praying for you! You are right, God is in control and I trust He will land us both a job of His choice!

I am glad the tips are a resource for you!

Have a wonderful day and keep your chin up! :)
Hugs, Carolyn ~ Cottage Sunshine